Homewood Branch - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Location System
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Library Information

7101 Hamilton Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15208
United States

40.455314, -79.899198

The library is in a location that has a high concentration of social services agencies and programs to assist the community members. CLP-Homewood is able to connect our customers to representatives of some of the programs through Parent Child Workshop. People come to the library, but it is a totally different vibe during a playshop. To know that the nutritionist in the room who brought fresh fruits and vegetables is from the community garden within walking distance and they have a farmers Market on Fridays is just one of the examples of how parents and caregivers of young children can make connections at the library. The dentist who came to talk about healthy teeth and gums for children can be seen a block away from the library at the local clinic. The toys bring them in, the information and resources keep them coming back. Workers from Jeremiah's Place were able to not only share about their services, but get help from some parents who wanted to donate supplies/resources to this emergency daycare/evening care facility because of the Parent Child Workshop. The adage it takes a village to raise a child is alive and prospering at CLP-Homewood.