Woods Run Branch - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Location System
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Library Information

1201 Woods Run Ave
Pittsburgh , PA 15212
United States

40.476237, -80.030241

Our Family Place Library welcomes families who want space to play, interesting toys and puzzles to explore and staff to greet them with good cheer and great ideas for books to read. We have expanded our floor space to include room to play at walls with mirrors, magnetic and lego surfaces and other unusual but stimulating elements. We have a sensory bin for children to explore interesting and soothing textures and sounds, as well as space to just sit with a caring adult and talk or read. Our puppet tree is always ripe for picking and the block bins see very regular use. The result is that we have families come in every day at all hours to use the space and enjoy some play, and often find the benefit of meeting people in other families. Babies get to be curious about other babies, young children make new friends and adults get to make conversation with other adults about the experience of being a family and recommend the best choices for family needs like playgrounds and shopping.